PopPD Podcast
That Teacher
That Teacher Trailer

That Teacher Trailer

Welcome to the podcast for anyone who has been known as "That Teacher".

That teacher who is always dreaming up new ideas...

That teacher who has an Instagram account...

That teacher who goes on TikTok to share the latest teaching trends...

That teacher who isn't afraid to try new things...

If you're an educator who's been looking for something MORE...

More opportunities to lead, grow, and inspire others...

We're here to show you the newest pathways to leadership for modern educators.

PopPD Podcast
That Teacher
If you're "That Teacher" who is ready to explore the newest pathways to leadership for modern educators, this is the podcast for you. We'll help you take your ideas and expertise beyond the four walls of your classroom to become thought leaders in the online space. We hope you'll be inspired and reenergized by every episode!