PopPD Podcast
That Teacher
Special New Year's Q&A with Alissa McDonald

Special New Year's Q&A with Alissa McDonald

Today, I'm sharing a special New Year's Q&A episode where we'll talk about imposter syndrome, course creation, wanting to quit, combating burnout, favorite fries, and so much more! I thought for January, it might be nice to just take a pause and reflect on some of the questions I got over the past year to make sure that you have all the answers you're looking for and also to have a little fun. I asked in my Instagram stories and in the Facebook group of Teacher Hustle University if anyone had any questions they would like me to answer and I have a whole bunch of good ones ranging from marketing strategy to favorite fries to overcoming obstacles in business, and more. I hope you enjoy this self-conducted interview and listener Q&A!

Thinking about launching a course, or have an idea but don't know where to start? Listen to a SECRET PODCAST episode about developing and launching your course idea at www.alissamcdonald.com/coursecreator. Available for a LIMITED TIME.

This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit poppd.substack.com

PopPD Podcast
That Teacher
If you're "That Teacher" who is ready to explore the newest pathways to leadership for modern educators, this is the podcast for you. We'll help you take your ideas and expertise beyond the four walls of your classroom to become thought leaders in the online space. We hope you'll be inspired and reenergized by every episode!